Step by Step guide on How to Fix Netbeans freeze/hang problem
Though, it's a good IDE, but sometimes the user may get frustrated due to the hanging/freeze problem.
So, in this post we'll talk about the methods to fix these problems.
Mostly, all of us are using Netbeans IDE for development. It has proved itself to be a powerful IDE.
It has many inbuilt features for code optimization and helps programmer to build codes easily.
But many of us are facing the freeze/hang problem when it starts. Also, it creates problem while loading recent projects, loading virtual device etc.
1.This problem occurs due to cache memory of Netbeans which reloads the recent settings and projects.
While reloading if it is not able to find recent projects and settings then it freezes or hangs.
To solve this problem, we have to delete the cache memory from the program's location.
[program directory]....\net beans 8\NetBeans 8.0.2\nb\var\cache
clear all files in this directory and restart IDE.
This process can be repeated whenever this problem occurs and it doesn't harms any project.
2.This problem may also occur due to lower configuration system like RAM.
So that can be solved only by upgradation of your system only.
3.Problem may also occur due to poor memory management, improper installation and uninstallations, too many bugs in registry and cashe, unnecessary memory usage, etc.
This can be solved by repairing windows by installation process, defragementing hard drives, etc.
So all these will help you to make Netbeans work great and smoothly and will also increase your OS performance.